Monday, October 26, 2015

Observations Without Fear

Greg Hardy
With all the issues with the TIT (Trust in Ted) crowd and others (RC Packer Fan) who feel any dissension among the ranks is tantamount to treason and those who have those feelings should be banished forever not only from the not-so-friendly confines of Green Bay and the internet universe watching the circus known as the Dallas Cowboys makes those distractions minor in comparison.
Greg Hardy is a very talented pass rusher. He got two sacks in his first game in over a year and continued to be disruptive Sunday against the Giants with another sack and with the disaster that has become the Dallas season since the injury to Tony Romo he is one of the few bright spots for the Cowboys or so they think.
However, as a person he is a major league butthole. And it didn't take him long to revert to his actual personality and he is now that child that his parents are afraid of. Grandpappy Jerry (Jones) says everything he says is just fine, he is just misquoted or misunderstood. When he said he would come out "guns a blazin'" against Tom Brady Jones said, now can you believe it, "that he really didn't mean he would carry a gun out on the field,".
For an old man he really is flexible having to bend nine ways to Sunday to come up with that explanation as if anyone, and I mean anyone, including my four-year old Grand Nephew Eli, though he meant that.
Just to sent the record straight the consternation over that statement was him saying anything about guns considering the problem with the NFL began when he was convicted of domestic violence (since overturned on appeal when the woman was paid off - see my earlier posts on NFL abusers and the legal system) and part of the incident was throwing the woman down on a bed of loaded guns and rifles.
Now he goes berserk and attacks the special teams coach on TV ("Film at 11") and both Grandpappy Jerry and Daddy Jason (Garrett) both say they didn't see it, so it didn't happen. Even that paragon of virtue Dez Bryant tried to calm him down, but he almost started a fight with him on the sidelines.
Making excuses for bad behavior is no way to handle a dangerous child. A child learns real quick who is in charge and how far he can push and Hardy found out he is in charge and he can do anything he wants.
I would hope another woman wouldn't be spending any time with him, but we all know there are women lined up at the door salivating to be the next his punching bag.
This is sad state of affairs for the modern woman. No matter how far they have come in relation to rights and human dignity the true pioneers and leaders of the movement are undermined daily by the majority of the female population. The first thing that comes to a young girl's mind when she approaches her teenage years is to show off her body. That is where he power comes from.
Sex is the determining factor in her relationships with her fellow girls, with boys and with the world in general. Advertising is all about sex and how she looks. Political women are critiqued on their hair and clothing and their looks ("who wants to look at that face every day" - Donald Trump on Carly Fiorina or "Who wants to watch a woman grow old in the presidency" - Rush Limbaugh on Hillary Clinton) and not their views on important matters.
Women take up with "bad boys" and accept abuse as part of the ritual as did Hardy's girlfriend. A girl can take being beat up as long as there is a payoff at the end. It all comes down to tradeoffs. There are even women who can't wait to date men in prison. How sick are they? Don't answer that we know.
Hardy is a bomb ready to explode. He has been back only two games and is already abusing his teammates and being told it was just being enthusiastic and a good leader The coaches (Garrett and the special teams coach) said there was nothing to it and the owner and GM said the same thing.
I can imagine those guys are afraid to be in the same room with Hardy, but since he can help the team on game days they put up with him. I predict he will only get worse and will actually assault a coach or another woman by the end of the season. When it happens Garrett will stick his head up his ass and say he didn't see it, so it didn't happen. Jones will say the coach or the woman deserved it and move on.
That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it without fear, but I am avoiding the Cowboys compound and locking my door.

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