Saturday, October 14, 2017


It’s still serious

Dug In
 I couldn’t find anything sublime last week for FTSTTR’s  28th edition, but this week I found something hopeful when its seems “the new guy” (thanks Whoopie) is doing everything possible to tear this country apart pitting Americans against Americans being the “Divider in Chief” instead of the “Uniter in Chief” he should be. At the very least “the new guy” is leading a cultural civil war and the country may not be able to survive intact. “A house divided against itself cannot stand” were good words from a true “Uniter in Chief”.
Nate Boyer Green Beret
A former Green Beret has stepped up to take the mantel of “National Uniter” since “the new guy” won’t. It all started a year ago with Colin Kaepernick, not one of my favorite people for many reasons, and a protest movement about the police killing black men. Now “the new guy” says without reservation its about disrespect for the military, flag and country and, of course, he always tells the truth, so why listen to the guy who actually did the deed. Remember it was about the police and black men dying. But it has become about symbols instead of substance. BAD as “the new guy” likes to tweet.

Former Green Beret and NFL wannabe long snapper Nate Boyer penned a widely read piece last year. It read in part (the entire text can be found on the following link).

I thought about how far I’d come and the men I’d fought alongside who didn’t make it back. I thought about those overseas who were risking their lives at that very moment. I selfishly thought about what I had sacrificed to get to where I was, and while I knew I had little to no chance of making the Seahawks’ roster as a 34-year-old rookie, I was trying.

That moment meant so much more to me than even playing in the game did, and to be honest, if I had noticed my teammate sitting on the bench, it would have really hurt me.

I’m not judging you for standing up for what you believe in. It’s your inalienable right. What you are doing takes a lot of courage, and I’d be lying if I said I knew what it was like to walk around in your shoes. I’ve never had to deal with prejudice because of the color of my skin, and for me to say I can relate to what you’ve gone through is as ignorant as someone who’s never been in a combat zone telling me they understand what it’s like to go to war.

Even though my initial reaction to your protest was one of anger, I’m trying to listen to what you’re saying and why you’re doing it. When I told my mom about this article, she cautioned me that "the last thing our country needed right now was more hate." As usual, she’s right.

There are already plenty people fighting fire with fire, and it’s just not helping anyone or anything. So I’m just going to keep listening, with an open mind.

I look forward to the day you're inspired to once again stand during our national anthem. I'll be standing right there next to you. Keep on trying … De Oppresso Liber.

On Opposite Sides
 A year later Boyer felt compelled to take pen to paper again and try to put some perspective to this heated topic (the entire text can be found on the following link).

Dear Every Single American,
Every. Single. American. Including President Trump, Colin Kaepernick, and my brothers in arms overseas who are wondering, "what in the hell is going on back there?" I'm sitting in the same chair, in the same apartment that I sat in almost a year ago when I wrote an open letter to Colin Kaepernick. I was hurt when I saw him sitting on the bench during the national anthem, but I'm much more hurt now. Not by him, not by where we're at now with the protests, but by us.

Simply put, it seems like we just hate each other; and that is far more painful to me than any protest, or demonstration, or rally, or tweet. We're told to pick a side, there's a line drawn in the sand "are you with us or against us?" It's just not who we are, or at least who we're supposed to be; we're supposed to be better than that, we're Americans. This doesn't even seem to be about right or wrong, but more about right or left…

That's how it all started with Colin and I, neither of us knew that kneeling would be the result of our conversation. Colin wanted to sit, I wanted him to stand, and so we found a common ground on a knee alongside his teammates. I believe that progress and real change happens in this world when you reach across the divide, you build a bridge, you swallow your pride, you open your mind, you embrace what you don't understand, and ultimately you surrender…

"We sorta came to a middle ground where he would take a knee alongside his teammates," Boyer says. "Soldiers take a knee in front of a fallen brother's grave, you know, to show respect. When we're on a patrol, you know, and we go into a security halt, we take a knee, and we pull security."

So please, no more lines in the sand, not at home, not among our people. No more choosing sides, no more "for or against." I believe our Veterans will be called upon to lead the way in healing the world and solving its problems; right now our country needs that more than I can remember. So I'll be here, standing in the radical middle, doing what I can to continue fighting for those that can't fight for themselves. Let's get this thing fixed together, you and me. I love you all with all my heart.

De Oppresso Liber
Nate Boyer

On the Same Side
Boyer should be praised instead of reviled by his fellow Green Berets and half the country on the other side of the red line. This is a time for unity and truth, instead of divisiveness and “FAKE NEWS”. Those on the other side should listen to what Kaepernick said last year and believe him. Don’t listen to the distortions for political gain. Listen to his side and walk a day in the shoes of those he was wanting to honor. Marginalizing the black race and not listening to their concerns has been happening since the Civil War and it took a100 years to start to give them what they were promised by Abraham Lincoln.

It is now 50 years later and they still haven’t received all they were promised. They are being told, 1. they aren’t being targeted by the police when unarmed black men seemed to be killed on a weekly basis last year and all of that was just FAKE NEWS and was vindicated when all the policemen were eventually found not guilty and I mean all. 2. Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization while the Alt-Right, White Separatists and KKK are filled with “good people”. 3. Almost lily-white talk radio led by the head cracker Sean Hannity (an unofficial advisor to “the new guy” who has his ear) daily tells black America how to feel and not to feel. I may be wrong, but I don’t think Hannity, "the new guy" and their ilk have a clue what its like to be black in America. But that doesn’t stop them.
Brothers in Arms
 People like Boyer should be listened to, so a proper dialogue can be established instead of fanning the flames of hatred for political gain. I think that would be SUBLIME.
Boyer at Texas
PS: Boyer spent 6 years as a Green Beret with multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan before returning to attend college at the University of Texas when he was a long snapper. He went undrafted in 2015 and then attended the San Francisco 49ers Pro Day on April 17 and was signed by the Seattle Seahawks as an undrafted free agent. He was cut on August 18.

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