Thursday, October 5, 2017


I’ve reserved every 10 posts for a look at the sublime of the previous few weeks and the ridiculous, but the Cam Newton incident this week made me mad and I had to comment.

Cam Newton is the poster boy of narcissism. He wouldn’t know a true emotion if it pulled down his pants and bit him in the ass. This past week he belittled a female reporter from the local paper and two things happened.

First, you watch what he did in that press conference. He knew exactly what he was saying and why. Watch his face. He and Donald J. Trump don’t respect women, except for one thing, and I guess he felt if the country would elect a man like Trump the 1950’s and 60’s are back. Watch the video Cam Newton knew exactly what he was doing.

Second, one day goes by and nothing from Newton and finally Thursday he issued a statement sort of, and if you believe he wrote it from his heart or even wrote it I have a bridge to sell you. Here is the statement from the Carolina Panthers’ press department.

“After careful thought, (what thought you were called and told they were issuing this statement to try to stem the tide of ill feelings) I understand that my word choice was extremely degrading and disrespectful to women.  (No you don’t) And to be honest, that was not my intentions. (Yes it was) And if you are a person who took offense to what I said, I sincerely apologize to you. (No you don’t’) I’m a man who tries to be a positive role model to my community and tries to use my platform to inspire others. (No you don’t) I take ownership to everything that comes with that. (No you don’t or you would be making this statement in person and not on a video) And what I did was extremely unacceptable. (Really, that hasn’t stopped you before) I’m a father to two beautiful daughters. And at their age, I try to instill in them that they can do and be anything that they want to be. And the fact that during this whole process, I’ve already lost sponsors and countless fans. (Here’s the real reason this statement was made. The butt wipe lost money) I realize that the joke is really on me, and I’ve learned a valuable lesson from this. (What joke? You mean this pile of crap you didn’t sign your name to. Did anyone notice that?) And to the young people who see this, I hope that you learn something from this as well: Don’t be like me. Be better than me. And to the reporters, to the journalists, to the moms — super moms — to the daughters, the sisters, and the women all around the world, I sincerely apologize and hope you can find the kindness in your heart to forgive me. (Give me a break) Thank you.”

I think I’ve said what I wanted to say. People like Newton and Trump can get away with anything because they are allowed to. Trump said he could stand in the middle of the Times Square and kill someone and it wouldn’t make any difference to his followers. He also said he could grab a girl in her p***y because they have to let him do it. He also said he loved to walk in on the contestants in the dressing room of the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA pageants because he owns the pageant and the girls. He was and is right. The only lesson Newton has learned is from Trump. He can say anything and get away with it.

Rush Limbaugh degraded a young woman who exercising her constitutional right to free speech. He called her a whore on the air. About 30 sponsored pulled their advertising from his show, but in less than a year they were all back. Limbaugh said they would be. I bet Newton won’t be losing money for long either.

People like Trump, Limbaugh and Newton will continue to degrade women and girls. Until there is real accountability for the actions of these men and their ilk more and more will feel it is open season on women and girls. NOW THAT IS RIDICULOUS.


I just saw that Mark Murphy's "Icon" Bob McGinn, who has covered the Packers for 38 years for the Milwaukee Journal, has not be credentialed by the Packers this year because he retired from the Journal and started his own website.

How bush league is that? Remember this is a man who has covered the Packers admirably for 38 years and has been awarded the prestigious Dick McCann Award from the Pro Football Hall of Fame and called "an icon" by Packers CEO Mark Murphy.


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