Sunday, October 29, 2017


(we still live in a Trump world, day 283 and counting)

Title Town, USA
Today marks the 300th post from Lombardi’s Den. I hope those of you who follow my musings, meanderings and inner most thoughts about the Green Bay Packers have enjoyed my manner of writing as I try to get across those of us who aren’t particular fans of certain front office and coaching personnel aren’t being disloyal to the Packers, but just the opposite want the best for our beloved team.


I find the “others” who take to the airways and blogospheres on the “internets” to threaten us with rhetorical and sometime actually physical harm for stating our opinions, you know who you are “Tedders”, is what’s wrong with the current state of our country, politically and otherwise. To take honest disagreements of opinion to that level is more than RIDICULOUS, but DANGEROUS. I pity the “Tedders” and those who think like them.

Titletown Distict

As much as I find fault with the football side of the Green Bay Packers front office and I recently was sent an article about the business side and find what they are doing very MUCHO SUBLIMO

Microsoft and the Green Bay Packers have partnered up to launch TitletownTech, a one-of-a kind partnership focusing on improving the economic expansion in Wisconsin’s Fox River Valley and bringing digital innovations to Green Bay.

The undertaking will be headquartered in the Titletown District where Microsoft and Green Bay Packers will offer collaborate work space, the latest technology tools and services, and access to advisors and mentors. TitletownTech will initially focus on the following three areas:
  • TitletownTech Accelerator. The Accelerator will work with startups and young companies to incubate or accelerate and bring to market new digital technology products and services. The employees of participating companies will spend 18 weeks working at TitletownTech and with its advisors and mentors on technology and business development projects.
  • TitletownTech Venture Capital Fund. The Venture Capital Fund will invest in and provide capital to help launch new companies that participate in the TitletownTech Accelerator. The Packers and Microsoft are the first two entities to commit investments to this fund, with an opportunity for participation by additional investors.
  • TitletownTech Labs. The Labs will enable established businesses to send employee teams to work at TitletownTech for 18 weeks to develop new digital technology products and services. These employee teams will also work with TitletownTech’s advisors and mentors. The Labs will create new opportunities for local firms involved in manufacturing, the paper industry, agriculture, sports, healthcare, insurance, and other parts of the regional economy to develop innovative technology solutions they can take back into their own enterprises.
Microsoft President Brad Smith stated, “By combining the Green Bay Packers’ deep engagement in this community and our expertise in helping businesses digitally transform, we believe TitletownTech will be a valuable resource for Wisconsin and a model for fostering economic development in other parts of the country.”

Now this is what the country, the federal and local governments and business entities should be doing and not trying to bully or actually hurt people who disagree with them. I find what is happening in the small burg of Green Bay the prime example of President Reagan’s “shining city upon a hill”.

For their efforts I give the Green Bay Packers business side and Microsoft 2 Big THUMBS UP for trying to make our country and region a better place than to try to tear us all down with divisive tactics, and once again you know who you are.

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