Monday, January 4, 2016

Thompson and Rodgers are the Problem

The loss to the Vikings at Lambeau Field following losses to the Bears and the Lions at the Shrine proved three things. First, the 2015 Packers are NOT Super Bowl material. Second, the Packer offensive line is a disaster at worst and not the best offensive line in recent memory at best. Third, Aaron Rodgers is NOT an elite quarterback any more.

The Vikings Raise The Conference Title Flag at Lambeau Field
First, General Manager Ted Thompson has taken his penny-pinching ways to an extreme the last three years and the 2015 Packers are the result. He seems to think the money allotted for personnel is coming out of his own bank account, so he is not inclined to spend it to shore up weak positions on the roster or make a move that will make a solid roster truly a Super Bowl contender.

Davante Adams May Be the Savior of the Packer Offense
First A: Wide Receivers. In no way should the loss of two men make the entire receiving corps dysfunctional, but that is exactly what happened.

When Jordy Nelson went down in the pre-season it was felt by me and many others one of the deepest receiving corps would make up for the loss. However, it became obvious to Thompson that Randall Cobb, Davante Adams, Jeff Janis, Jared Abbrederis, and rookie Ty Montgomery were not going to be able to make up the difference, so James Jones was signed.

That move worked until Jones hit the wall the Raiders and the Giants knew he would hit. Even though Jones led the Raiders in receiving in 2014 he had lost a step and would be even slower going forward so they cut him with two years left on his free agent contract.

Even though he was as good as ever on catching the ball he was having trouble creating separation either on the route itself and, especially, in yards after the catch (YAC). Jones led the Giants in receiving in the preseason, but they also cut him without hesitation even though they needed a No. 2 receiver.

As much as Packer fans want to think the rest of the league is incompetent and (Trust in Ted) Thompson is infallible the Raiders and the Giants were right. After the euphoria of returning to Green Bay and the adrenalin of having a chip on his shoulder and trying to prove those teams wrong wore off Jones settled in to having good games and bad games, but mainly most of his yards were coming at the point of the reception and not after the catch. In the NFL YAC is king and the Packers this year probably are at the bottom of the league in that stat. And then for some odd unexplainable reason when Jones hit the wall the rest of the receiving corps hit it with him.

Evidently Jordy is the leader of the Pack as far as receivers are concerned and with him MIA the rest of the squad got lazy or something. Cobb, who had signed a new four-year $40 million contract before the season, and seemed headed to a 100 catch season with Nelson hurt has not lived up to that billing. He is the leading receiver with 79 catches for 829 yards and 6 TDs, but he is averaging just 10.5 yards a catch and in half the games he averaged less than 8 yards a catch with a low of 4.5 against the Broncos. In fact, the last three games he has averaged 6.6 yards a catch.

It seemed to me since he injured his AC joint he was afraid to lay out on a catch at best and to avoid getting open at worse. You watch the game film and you will find Cobb seemed to be sleep walking his route and looking for someone to cover him so Rodgers wouldn't throw to him. In that way he wouldn't get hit and get hurt again.

Adams had a sophomore slump. He was Rodgers' go-to downfield receiver at the end of last with Jordy still playing. He should have been the man who stepped up to fill the void as the No. 1 receiver, but he started to drop passes and then he was having trouble getting open like the rest of the squad. Maybe he finally got over after coming alive at the end of the Vikings game and will be the catalyst of an offensive explosion that is needed this week in Washington.

Abbrederis looked like he was becoming an option, but has disappeared lately. He and Janis weren't even used against the Vikings. In fact, the opening lineup had only Jones starting with tight end Andrew Quarless and fullback John Kuhn in the backfield with Eddie Lacy and Richard Rodgers at the normal tight end spot. This unit was designed to keep the pass rush away from Rodgers, but it didn't work. Rodgers was sacked 5 times after being sacked 8 times the week before. Scott Tolzien was also sacked once against the Cardinals.

The Offensive Line is the Achilles Heel of Aaron Rodgers
Second B: Offensive Line. The offensive line problems are totally on Thompson. He NEVER keeps experienced backups and this year that has BIT the Packers in general and Rodgers specifically IN THE ASS.

Don Barclay proved he was a competent right tackle when he took over for Bryan Bulaga two years ago, but this year he was coming off a serious knee injury that wiped out his 2014 season and he is either not all the way back yet or he will never be. When he played right tackle this year he was found lacking and when he played left tackle he proved he is NOT a left tackle. Depending on a player coming off a knee surgery as your top backup at both tackles is foolish and Thompson did that.

After Barclay, who was an undrafted free agent, the rest of the offensive line reserves were cheap undrafted free agents as well (Lane Taylor and Josh Walker) and a 4th round draft pick JC Tretter, who was actually a left tackle at Cornell, but was drafted as a center. He ended up playing right tackle when Walker crapped out two weeks ago and didn't do a bad job.

No where on the roster were an Ernie McMillian, Tootie Robbins or Bruce Wilkerson (who was the starting left tackle in Super Bowl 31 when the starter was lost for the season and he solidified that position). There are NO competent backup tackles on this roster this year.

Thompson laughs at people, especially me, who say he should sign veterans near the end of their career to serve as offensive line reserves, so when injuries hit (and the Packers always lead the league in injuries and always have offensive linemen hurt) someone can step in and play without threatening Rodgers' life. Thompson needs to fired for this reason alone.

Aaron Rodgers Rattled
Third: Aaron Rodgers. He is NO LONGER the best quarterback in the league. He has gotten gun shy behind the porous line. With the Packers down 20-13 and sitting around the 10-yard line James Jones was open in the left corner of the endzone, but he threw behind him and got intercepted when all he had to do was lead him to the corner and the game would have been tied.

This is not the first time this has happened. The Packers could have sent the game against the Panthers to overtime, but he didn't even see Randall Cobb wide open in the right corner of the endzone and threw an interception on a desperation pass in the middle of the field. He said he got scared. He has been scared ever since. He has gotten rattled and that is something I didn't think could happen and yet it did.

If the Packers had a competent backup maybe Rodgers needs to be benched for the game against the Redskins. But again Thompson has left the Packers without an option at quarterback as well as the offensive line.

This is my off the cuff reactions to a game the Packers could have won and a game I felt they had no chance to win.

Turn Out The Lights The Party's Over

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