Wednesday, January 6, 2016


The Current Packer Backers Get Together
(L-R) Steve & Jane Crawley - Slimmed Down Me and Timmer

I wracked my brain to find something sublime about the state of the Packers heading into the playoffs. However, the Packers have lost two straight games and had their streak of 4 straight North Division championships snapped. Nothing sublime about that.

So I went far and wide in search of sublimeness and while that search was unsuccessful I only had to make a phone call and some of the best Packers fans you would ever want to watch a game with came a running.

I started watching the game at the bar with Jane and Steve Crawley in 2008 and when they are in town we still get together. In fact, they came over to Timmer and Therese's house on Dec. 13 and if that's not a sublime picture I don't know what is.

Being with Steve and Jane got me thinking about Packer Backers past so here's a sublime picture of the Southern Illinois Packer Backers No. 3 for you to meet. Sadly Treasha passed on almost three years ago. In her obituary it was noted she was known for her love of the Green Bay Packers.

(L-R) - Chuck & Treasha Sangrelet - T. C. & Rose Girard in 2000

We Really Need a Drink
Mike McCarthy. Here's what he said after the loss to the Vikings at Lambeau Field Sunday, "I’m hanging my hat on my football team. We’re a playoff team. There’s six NFC teams in the playoffs. We’re the fifth seed. We had an excellent opportunity here at home to be the third seed. Didn’t take care of it. There’s not a big difference, trust me, between one and six.”

"I know it’s important to go into the playoffs playing well," he continued. "You have components of your training that you do each and every week and it has to show up on Sundays. You have to take care of the football. You have to take the football away. You have to tackle. Those are things we are going to stay after."

And more, "As coaches we have a responsibility to give our players a good scheme, the proper adjustments they need to cut it loose at the line of scrimmage. With that, they need to make good decisions and execute. The formula isn’t going to change. Our methods aren’t going to change."

Finally, "We believe in our football team and as a coaching staff, we’ve got to make sure we’re ready to go.”

The team hasn't been ready to go for two weeks now and he expects them to turn on switch when he obviously doesn't think the coaching staff is doing anything wrong.

Mike McCarthy is living in a fantasy world and he has been most of the season. There is being positive, but to say trust him there is not a big difference between the Panthers, Cardinals and Vikings and the Packers is absurd. A team loses respect for a coach if he just stands up in front of them and the media and says crap. Now that is truly ridiculous.

He Said WHAT!

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