Tuesday, January 12, 2016

It's Official, Well Sort Of

Aaron and Olivia at the 2014 Screening of Deliver Us From Evil
Aaron Rodgers popped the question at a romantic dinner and is now officially engaged to Olivia Munn according to an unofficial source in OK! Magazine. It has been reported that Olivia wasn't expecting the question.

The plan is to be married in Chico, California, but the time and date have not been decided upon or revealed yet.

Olivia has been named one Maxim's "Hot 100 Women" the past six years. The couple met in 2014 and Olivia says that at the time she didn't know who he was.

Talk about timing. I guess we will find out if all of this is true Thursday when Miss Munn makes an appearance on Kelly and Michael in the morning and on the Late Show with Stephen Colbert on CBS at night.

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