Sunday, September 2, 2018


The preseason is over and the season starts next week against da Bears at Laaaammmmbeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

Blonde Sublime
I will be going to The Cellar this season because of the loss of two of the Packer Backers. I’ve been watching the Packers games at The Cellar since 1994.
Wisconsin Girl from Milwaukee
The first set of Packer Backers from 1994 to 1997 were Patrick Immel and a very blonde radio and tv major at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale from Kenosha, Wisconsin. I really didn’t know her name, so I called her “Kenosha”. She was a true Wisconsin Packer girl. This was prior to watching the preseason games on the internet and The Cellar had the preseason package. I would guess her final year at SIU I was down at the bar on a Friday night and I think the Packers were playing the Dolphins in the first preseason game. I was there and she showed up for the kickoff. She had just arrived back in town and had her boyfriend drop her off at the bar to watch the game even before they got back to their apartment. She knew football like all the Packer Backer girls. We all have our little superstitions or things. Her thing was placing her keys in the middle of the table as she sat down.

Older Sublime
Chuck & Treash & T.C. & Rose
The second set of Packer Backers were together from 1998 to 2000. They were T.C. Girard and his wife Rose and Chuck and Treasha Sangrelet. The first two years we watched the games at The Cellar and the third at T.C. and Rose’s house when they got the NFL Sunday Ticket.

Same Old and Younger Sublime
The third set of Packer Backers started in 2001 when T.C. and Rose decided to not host anymore, but also not come to the bar. So Chuck and Treash and I went back to the bar and that was when we met Timmer Freeman, a Carbondale letter carrier, and Russ Owen, a student at SIU. Chuck and Treash remained for two more years before Treash started to have medical issues and had trouble getting down the stairs. SAD NOTE: Treash passed away February 18, 2013.

Same Sublime

The Packer Backers downsized to Timmer, Russ and me in 2003 and added a Chicago White Sox fan Pete Allen for 2004 and 2005. Poor Pete. He was arrested for climbing a light pole after the White Sox won the 2005 World Series and got expelled from SIU. He then took up MMA and got the hell beat out of him at a local MMA event that I covered and ironically wrote about his particular match. I didn’t recognize him at the time, but the next game he showed up with black eyes and got on me, sort of, for writing what I did.

Shapely Sublime
The lovely and sexy Therese

The fourth and former current set of Packer Backers started in 2006 when Timmer’s new girlfriend Therese Melot showed up for the games. Therese is a Dallas Cowboys fan and even named her son, Dallas. But she accepted the Packers while remaining a Cowboys fan. Therese was a blonde, well-built bartender at Giant City Lodge. She wore a bustier that she called “the moneymaker” because it showed off her ample assets and made her a lot of tips. Therese never lost that sex appeal to this very day.
The lovely Holly
We also met a couple of other cute female Packer Backers in the very beautiful Holly Stewart, who had a deep sexy voice that gave you…..well, you know and Chris McKinley. Holly would show up now and then for the next four seasons. Chris owns a store above The Cellar and she shows up now and again. Pete left for good after the 2008 season. I’ve always wondered what happened to him.

Old New Blood Sublime
Steve & Jane & ? & Timmer
Two more members of the current Packer Backers made their appearance in 2008. Steve and Jane Crawley joined the group and are still members in good standing. 2008 saw a couple of transients (Mary Miller, Jamie Sparks, Steve) join the group for a game or two. We also met Ben Birkinbine, who was evidently going to school at SIU because he was back in 2009. Steve and Jane’s son James also took in a game.

New New Blood Sublime
Andrew & Timmer
2009 began the completion of the fourth set of Packer Backers when Timmer’s son Andrew turned 21 and was allowed to join us at The Cellar. Andrew was a welcome addition to the group despite the fact he spilled his first beer at his first game all over us. I still have my wrinkled starters sheet (one of my things) that smells of that first beer. With the appearance of Dorie “Poodles” McWarren, Jr. the fourth set of Packer Backers was almost complete.

Also during the 2009 other transients (Randon, Holly Sanders, Amy Sanders, Roberta Torunsky,) made their infrequent appearances. Randon turned out to have a real Green Bay connection. He was a bartender at the Top Hat Dance and Night Club in Green Bay.

Blonde Hair Blue Eyed Green Bay Girl

New Newer Blood Sublime
? & Timmer & Andrew & Avery
2010 was another big season for two big reasons besides the Packers fourth Super Bowl victory. Andrew’s best friend Avery joined the group. His real name is actually Jared Avery, but Timmer didn’t know that because Andrew always called him Avery, so he thought Avery was his first name. It wasn’t until about three years ago we set Timmer straight on that.

The second reason it was a big year was the mainstreaming of the ritual Immel and I called “The Pouring of the Beer”. Back in the 1994 there was a Carbondale ordinance that liquor can’t be served until 1 p.m. on Sundays. So the game was always an hour old when the first beer could be poured. It seemed when the taps were open and flowing the Packers began to play better. Well, during the Super Bowl “The Pouring of the Beer” began legendary. On the exact moment of the first pouring Nick Collins intercepted Ben Roethlisberger and returned it for a touchdown. On the second “Pouring” Jarrett Bush intercepted Big Ben. That made believers of everyone, but especially Avery and Therese. NOTE: Andrew not only became a valued member of the group, but he is an integral part of the “Pouring” initiating a new wrinkle in the ritual where he pours the beer for me with a perfect head if I may add. He could have been a bartender at the Top Hat.

The 2010 transients were Justin Koffes, Scott Miller, Bill, Brock Morrison, Colin Fannan, Will Westphal, Amber Manning and Jim Book. Westphal also came back in 2011.

The fourth set of Packer Backers was now complete and continued to meet at The Cellar until Timmer and Therese got NFL Sunday Ticket and along with Andrew and Avery stopped coming to the bar starting with the 2012 season and ending last season.

Transient Sublime
From 2011 to 2017 there were 15 transient acquaintances at The Cellar (Wendy Pierron, Jenny Pierron, Nutral Fremick, Brad McWarren Mary Van Roo, Jeanie Wilson, Rick Wilson, Andy Cunningham, Colleen, Vicky, Bob Newberg, Evertt E. Davitz, Colleen & Chuck Parrott and David Hayes in both 2016 and last year).

The Evil Influence was definitely NOT SUBLIME
Wendy Pierron, who we eventually called "The Evil Influence" showed up one game early in the 2011 season with her two hot daughters. She was a supervisor for the postal service from somewhere up north and was sent down here to investigate something I don't remember. Any way she took an instant dislike to me. She showed up every week and made my life miserable as she drove wedges between me and Timmer and, especially Andrew. It was working until Timmer actually went to his supervisor and asked to have her stopped having any contact with him since she was his supervisor of sorts. She had to go to another bar to finish the season. We (I) hope she got fired. She was mean.

The Evil Influence was the second women who decided she wanted to make my Sunday miserable. In 2007 Timmer lived in Carterville and rode with a woman to the bar named Emily Ames. She would rag me every minute of the game. I eventually left The Cellar and went to a bar on the other side of town called Show Me's where the waitresses dressed in skimpy outfits. While the scenery was much nicer it wasn't as much fun to watch the games there. I went back to The Cellar when Timmer stopped riding with her.

Back to Transient Sublime
There would have been more, but I started going to Timmer and Therese’s and for 2012 Andrew, Avery and Ryan Lee’s apartment. The transients at the apartments were Ron Goede, Mitch Goede, Brenda Goede, Angelica Joiner, Grant Ellis, the tattooed, beautiful, erotic Olivia Craig, Teddy LaMaster, Nicole LaMaster, Dan McKinney and Courtney Fletcher.

NOT Sublime at ALL
The fourth set of Packer Backers has now been reduced. Starting last year Avery was more a no show because he is p*s*y whipped and isn’t allowed to watch football on Sunday. And this year Timmer retired and he and Therese moved to Las Vegas where he is going to culinary school. It will be text only with those two now.
Your Packer-Backer Bar in Las Vegas
The comment I made about the tattooed and extremely erotic Olivia. Not because it isn’t true, but because if she ever read this it might freak her out. The government sent me a card this year to declare I’m officially OLD and she is mid-20’s I guess, but I could show………………well, I WISH. It would only be ridiculous for Miss Olivia and not for me.

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