Saturday, September 1, 2018

Da Bears, Oh My

I think if Ted Thompson/Brian Gutekunst had listened to me and threw Clay Matthews into the mix the Packers would have gotten Khalil Mack instead of the formerly hated Chicago da Bears.

Faint Heart Never Won No Lady
Reportedly the Bears gave up 2 No. 1 draft picks and possibly more, but I think a No. 1, Clay Matthews and a No. 2 or 3 or 4 or all or a 2nd No. 1 would have swung the trade the Packers way. But the current version of the Packers doesn’t have the stones or the strong heart to make a season or team changing move like the Mack trade and I will NOT go out on a limb to say if the current front office faint hearters were in charge of the Packers in 1992 they wouldn’t have pulled the trigger on Reggie White and the Packers never would have won the 1996 Super Bowl.

The Packers are at a crossroads. Aaron Rodgers, whose prime years were wasted by Ted Thompson is now 35 and signed until he is 40. There is no one, at the moment, who is the heir apparent and it was rumored he was considering moving on when his previous contract had expired in 2 years to look for a team that could win the Super Bowl or maybe even demand a trade while he still had the skills.

The Packers under Ted Thompson/Brian Gutekunst and lily-livered Mark Murphy play it safe. Never stepping up to the plate. Never making the bold move. Never taking that next step to put a legitimate Super Bowl contender on the field. Letting Mike McCarthy stay for his 13th season at the helm when he was as much responsible for wasting Aaron Rodgers by keeping the worst defensive coordinator in the history of the Packers Dom Capers six years too long.

The off-season of change should have been, but remember Mark Murphy was the man making that change. He let Ted Thompson run the Packers, when technically Murphy was in charge. He kept Ted Thompson in the front office when he should have FIRED HIS ASS and he elevated Ted Thompson’s second or third in command to take his place so he could kiss his ass every day when BG goes to work.

Ted Thompson/Brian Gutekunst kept Mike McCarthy when they should have FIRED HIS ASS to bring new blood and energy to an old worn out franchise. The fan base, which was as similar to the sycophants who love Trump, no matter what he does, did the same for Ted Thompson. They accepted just making the playoffs and not being a legitimate Super Bowl contender. They attacked those of us that weren’t willing to accept mediocrity (sounds familiar these days).

I love the Packers down to my very core and I’m a born and bred Illinoisan. The 2010 Super Bowl should have been the start of the 4th Dynasty, but it turned out to be just a blip. The trading for Mack could have made the next 5 years that 4th Dynasty, but, of course, Ted Thompson/Brian Gutekunst wouldn’t even really consider it. Losing a washed up Clay Matthews, the 2nd No. 1 pick next year and other upper or mid rounds picks or even another No. 1 would have a small price to pay for winning another Super Bowl or more.

If I were the chairman of the bored I would have made BOLD moves this past offseason. I would have FIRED Mark Murphy. I would have then FIRED Ted Thompson and escorted him out of the building. I would have FIRED Mike McCarthy. I would have hired Eliot Wolf and some hot shot up-and-coming young coach or maybe even Jon Gruden. I would have traded for Mack. Hell, I would have signed Randy Moss in 2007 and won Brett Favre’s second Super Bowl. I would have FIRED Dom Capers after the 2011 debacle when McCarthy didn’t’. I would have played Aaron Rodgers in the last game against the Lions, so he wasn’t on the bench for almost 3 weeks before losing to the Giants after the bye. I wouldn’t have depended upon undrafted free agents to fill out the roster. I would have signed savvy veterans to fill those spots. I would have done many things differently if I was in charge. And I would have won at least 3 more Super Bowls instead of being happy and defending winning none.

However when change finally came this past year what we got were Ted Thompson’s subordinates bumped up and Ted “G*d Damn” Thompson still calling the shots. We kept Mike McCarthy and his tired old philosophy. We did get rid of Dom Capers, but too late to win those Super Bowls.

For those of you who think change had come to the Packers STOP THINKING THAT. Letting da Bears make the Mack trade is proof the Packers are just happy to be in the discussion for the playoffs once again. Faint Heart indeed.

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