Sunday, April 30, 2017


(26 in Gabrielino - the Native American tribe native to Hollywood)

Rodgers and Munn in Happier Days
It seems Aaron "Hollywood" Rodgers has really joined the "A-Listers" since he ended his enjoinment with the American actress Miss Olivia Munn.

In the heartland from whence I come it takes months to get back into the dating scene after the breakup of a long-term relationship ("Hollywood" and Miss Olivia were together for 3 years), but "Hollywood" not only got back up on the horse, but found a better replacement within two weeks.
Kelly Rohrbach on the Baywatch Set
It was reported that "Hollywood" was seen on a "golf" date with Baywatch actress Kelly Rohrbach.
Kelly Rohrbach In Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue-2016
On April 27 he was spotted at the Westchester Golf Course in Los Angeles with a mystery girl. According to a report on TMZ, "Witnesses tell us Rodgers and Rohrbach appeared to be holding hands and looked flirty -- until they noticed people watching them.."
Aaron Rodgers with Mystery Girl

Tiger Lady
According to, “Olivia [Munn] is furious after seeing Aaron [Rodgers] out with Kelly [Rohrbach],” an insider told EXCLUSIVELY. “Aaron made it seem like he was in no rush to date anyone else when they split. It was more about the issues they were having — the fighting and him needing space. Now she’s wondering if Aaron wasn’t being completely honest with her and had his eye on Kelly while they were together.” Ouch!

Well, it seems Miss Olivia is still trying to control "Hollywood" even after they no longer are attached at the hip or other places. You see that is one of the reasons it is being said that "Hollywood" broke up with her was the Tiger Lady's controlling ways. Now that is RIDICULOUS.

Beware of the Munn
Kelly and "Hollywood" Lee better be careful. Ex-girlfriends or wives like Miss Olivia have ways to get back at their former cuddle buddies. They may come home from the "date" and find a bunny boiling on the stove or a message scrawled in blood or cocktail sauce on their bedroom wall (I hope he had the locks changed). Or they may be walking home from an intimate dinner at the "Catch" or after working out at the Unbreakable Performance Center in West Hollywood and find a car screaming down the road trying to hit them. The old adage "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned" could be very relevant here, especially if Miss Olivia is as controlling as they say she is. Now that is DANGEROUSLY RIDICULOUS.


One note on the draft. After the Atlanta Falcons traded up and picked Takkarist McKinley in the first round the defensive end from UCLA was interviewed by that bastion of propriety Deion Sanders backstage. What ensued was both touching and disgusting in span of a few seconds.

The newly minted millionaire raised a picture of his late grandmother to thank her for raising him in a manner that allowed him to succeed, which deeply moved Sanders, or so it seemed, and the rest of us, expecting other touching moments, but he took it away when he continued with a line of profanities to show just how low class he really is, because he chose those words specifically and it wasn't just a spur of the moment slip of the lip because he said, "Fine me later, Man".

I'm sure his grandmother would have been mortified if she was in the auditorium. I'm not the only one who thought that because the commentators said the same thing. RIDICULOUS.

Deion Sanders just sloughed it and went on with his interview and that to me also showed how low class he has always been. RIDICULOUS.

The NFL just set in stone that low class behavior is now officially sanctioned when the powers that be decided to not fine him. That decision is just the latest in a long line under current commission Roger Goodell that has eroded any standards the NFL has like allowing Patriots coach Bill Belichek to give no answers at press briefings and Marshawn Lynch to state he was fulfilling his press obligations by repeating the same thing to 29 questions on Super Bowl Media Day.
"I'm here so I won't get fined" x 29
There are others, but under Goodell the inmates are running the institution. Just like the NBA the NFL has decided to lower the bar for its players and coaches, instead of trying to raise their standards. RIDICULOUS.

Finally a post on ProFootball Talk by Darin Gantt following the decision by the NFL to not fine the young man also showed how low the bar has been set for common decency on our airwaves.

He said, "
But it appears the league has chosen the common-sense path with this one, rather than punishing what was one of the genuine moments of emotion during the weekend."

What is common-sense about letting the leagues stars go into a profanity laced rant on live TV? Have we sunk that low as a society that a commenter on a respected media outlet that I check many times a day for my NFL news first condones the type of behavior the Mr. McKinley demonstrated before the world. I pity the poor fools who think this is right and proper. Now that is RIDICULOUS.

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