Monday, April 24, 2017


(Hawaiian for 25, because my aunt is current there on vacation)

SUBLIME in a lazy, crazy sort of way
The Ted Making a Fashion Statement
There are several media down times when you're a Packer Backer or the General Manager of the Green Bay Packers and the major media down times are the period right after the players clear out their lockers leading up to free agency and the time between the start of the free agency and the draft.

During those times the Green Bay media and the national media with absolutely nothing to go on speculate what The Ted keeps everything he does, including his lunch habits, close to his stained vest or under his ridiculous hat going by the old adage even older than The Ted, "loose lips sinks ships (or football teams)".

So with nothing coming from on high and no leaks anyone can depend upon the media types speculate and for the most part get it wrong. A good example is that the media was reporting that the main priority of the offseason and free agency was to re-sign tight end Jared Cook. However, it seemed there are priorities and then there are priorities with everything The Ted does depending on the bottom line and that means letting All-Pro players or key contributors walk if they have the audacity to ask for a fair market contract.

So the sublime part of the offseason from early February to late April is that a Packer Backer can take days off and do other things that have nothing to do with the Green Bay Packers and just check in a bi-weekly basis to just keep up. Nothing actually said by The Ted and nothing speculated by the media, especially the local kiss-ass media, means anything until it actually happens, just like any pronouncements made by The Ted's mentor The Donald.

So this Bud's for you The Ted for giving me some time to do important things like smoking a brisket than speculating on Packers personnel moves that may or may not actually happen. Just for the record I predicted Eddie Lacy, T. J. Lang and Julius Peppers would be allowed to leave. Beyond that everything else was just speculation.

                                                                      "I Didn't Do Anything Wrong"                                                                             
The current scandal in the NFL is about Giants Quarterback Eli "Half a" Manning throwing suspicion on the sports memorabilia market by supplying fake "game used" items like helmets.

Now, I'm not a "Half a Manning" fan by any means, but I can't believe he did what he is being accused of. The "smoking gun" email that said,  "helmets that can pass as game used", as the incriminating phrase can be interpreted in a benign way instead of a cancerous one. I think what he was asking for were game helmets with marks on them like running backs, linemen or defensive players helmets because those players use their heads leaving marks instead of game helmets that didn't have marks like quarterbacks, wide receivers and cornerbacks, who rarely use their heads to tackle or block so they might not look used even though they are.

I choose to think that is what Half a Manning was referring to, so I think this hullabaloo is nothing, but a witch hunt and that is RIDICULOUS.

The Late, Tragic Aaron H
This next item is ridiculous in a tragic way. This past week former Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez committed suicide in his jail cell four years after he was arrested and convicted of murdering his friend, Odin Lloyd.

RIDICULOUS 1: Hernandez had just signed a $40 million dollar contract before he decided to revert to his thug upbringing and take out a man who "dissed" him in one way or another by the use of gang justice. Hernandez had escaped that world, but he chose to remain in it and that was RIDICULOUS.

RIDICULOUS 2: Hernandez had just been acquitted of two counts of murder concerning another gang justice event even though he probably was guilty. He should have been happy, at least for a couple of weeks. The timing of his suicide was RIDICULOUS.

RIDICULOUS 3: This was a young man who was so steeped in macho and street justice he couldn't see that that life is nothing to emulate and admire like many street kids do. Rising above your upbringing and doing something good with your life and maybe, just maybe, giving back so some other young man or woman could do that too IS something to admire and aspire to. What a waste and that is RIDICULOUS.

RIDICULOUS 4: Aaron Josef Hernandez was 27 when he died on April 19, 2017, but the long spiral down to his death actually began on April 28, 2007 when he was 17 and was allowed to get away with punching a restaurant owner after refusing to pay for a couple of drinks while he was underage. The privilege awarded star athletes (he was Connecticut's Gatorade Football Player of the Year) that allows them to get away with murder, literally and otherwise, is RIDICULOUS.

RIDICULOUS 5: There is now a new rumor concerning the original reason he killed Lloyd and the reason he committed suicide. It seems he might have been bi-sexual and that was what he was covering up. The ironic thing is when he committed the murder the LBGQ movement was making strides, but still in the world of professional sports being a "Schmoocher" is the kiss of death, and in this case that may be literally. Now that is RIDICULOUS.

RIDICULOUS 6: Adding insult to injury is the legal principle of abatement ab initio. Since Hernandez died while his conviction was on appeal, so his case would revert to before he was convicted, so he technically would be innocent, so his conviction would be vacated and the Patriots would be on the hook for his $40 million dollar contract. Now that is RIDICULOUS.

Olivia and the Dogs in Vancouver
 The 3-year reality show of the "Quarterback and the B-Movie Star" has ended with the "Quarterback" calling it off. There has been a lot of statements made about it not being about the schism between Aaron Rodgers and his family even though it had been rumored that the Rodgers Family didn't like our Miss Olivia Munn.

Miss Olivia reveled in having a famous "boyfriend". On every talk show she would say her "boyfriend" this and her "boyfriend" that. If you would have seen her before she hooked up with Rodgers she never talked about her love life, if she had one and I'm guessing she did. She seems like that kind of girl. That was probably one of the reasons Mr. Rodgers dated her.

One report had Rodgers saying or someone saying that it was because Miss Olivia was too controlling or like the saying goes being a typical "Tiger Lady". If that was the case then Miss Olivia has no one to blame but herself and that is DEFINITELY RIDICULOUS

Rodgers and Jonas Sitting in a Tree
Since Mr. Rodgers called it off with her "B-Movie Star" he seems to have gone off the deep end. He has been seen still enjoying the Hollywood party scene even without his "B-Star" on his arm.

He owns a mansion in San Diego, but he has been seen almost exclusively in Los Angeles. In fact, his friends have said they have seen "drastic changes" in him since the season ended.

"Drastic Changes" indeed. He now gets weekly facials and has hired Brian Gosling's stylist to dress him. He previously worked out in the offseason in Calabasas with his teammates, but has switched to the "A-List" Unbreakable Performance Center in West Hollywood to train with Nick Jonas, Puff Daddy, The Rock, and, get this, NFL bad boy Odell Beckham, Jr. Good company.

Rodgers' new best friends and party buddies are Jonas and actors Ryan Rottman and Eddie Mills. He evidently eats at the "to be seen" trendy restaurant "Catch" known for sustainable seafood and celebrities.

While Miss Olivia is shooting a movie in Vancouver with their dogs, Chance and Frankie. Hummm. doesn't the ex always get the pets. Well, I guess Mr. Rodgers doesn't have time to walk and feed the dogs anyway since he's so busy being seen with the Hollywood "A-Team".

It's been almost three months and his teammates haven't seen him yet. Seems a bit deep endy to me and MOST DEFINITELY RIDICULOUS.

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