Sunday, August 21, 2016

Andrew Quarless Finally Finds Work

Conan and Jodie Foster Cheesing It Up
I keep track of the ex-Packers and was surprised when I was looking at the Detroit Lions roster Friday and found former Packers tight end Andrew Quarles' name. Somehow I missed this in the news I check each day when he was signed on August 15th.

Quarless Leaving Lambeau the Last Time
NOTE: Training camp began with 52 ex-Packers on 24 teams and after the first preseason game that number has increased by 3. First, defensive end Ray Drew, who was signed as a street free agent after being released by the Browns last year and spent 43 days with Packers before being cut on April 25, signed with Panthers on August 13.
Ray Drew
Signing on the same day Quarless did was former Packer undrafted rookie tryout invitee outside linebacker Jermauria Rasco, who was released with an injury settlement in December and picked up by the Bucs in January and then cut on April 29th, with the Steelers.
Jermauria Rasco
Andrew Quarless never lived up to his potential following a serious knee injury suffered his second year in 2011, which caused him to miss the entire 2012 season. He came back in 2013 playing in all 16 games starting 10 finishing with 32 catches for 312 yards and 2 TDs. However, having averaged 11.3 yards per catch his rookie season he dropped to 9.75 his first year back.
Packer Mug Shot
Being a free agent having played out his rookie contract the Packers re-signed him to a 2-year $3 million contract and he responded with a similar season playing in all 16 games starting 11 catching 29 passes for 323 yards and 3TDs. As in most knee injuries it takes 2 years to fully recover and he was back to normal averaging 11.1 per catch.
2015 was a lost year. He injured his knee again and he was placed on injured reserve-designated for return after 3 games and once activated played 2 more before being shutdown completely heading into free agency again.
Then there was the other matter. Before the 2015 training camp Quarless was arrested in Miami for discharging a gun in public on the 4th of July weekend.
Police Mug Shot Emphasizing His Manhood
Here's how the Miami News Times reported it: "The Packers tight end was leaving the parking garage around 5:30 a.m. when he stopped to talk to a car full of women, according to the police report. Shortly after stopping, Quarless got into an argument with one of the women, who shouted, "No, get away, leave me alone." At that point, Quarless took out a .45 caliber and fired two shots. After firing the shots, Quarless left the scene in his Porsche, but he was later tracked down by police to outside a tavern, who noted in the report that Quarless was "attempting to conceal himself and a black firearm in a nearby plant." The (police) report also notes that one of the women believes that Quarless fired the gun in an "attempt to emphasize his dominance and manhood."
The Plant Pot and Gun
Some reports said the women were strangers and other reports said only two women were in the car and they knew each other and were leaving one club to go to another (at 5:30 a.m.).
His lawyer made things worse when he offered this stupid explanation, "In no way, shape or form was this a domestic violence issue. Andrew shot off a pistol that he lawfully owned in a happy Fourth of July thing. In his intoxicated state I don't think he realized you aren't allowed to do that."
The Dump Truck
Like inside a parking garage? I guess that beats the childish act of taking a dump in your unappreciative girlfriend's laundry basket inside her dorm closet. Look up the 2002 incident. This childish man ended up with the nicknames "The Dump Truck" and "Dookie".
"The story you just read is true. The names weren't changed to protect the innocent. On November 30th, a plea deal was reached in Superior Court of the State of Florida in and for the County of Miami-Dade. In a moment, the results of that plea deal."
He entered into a no contest plea deal where he agreed to 1-year probation, a $1,000 fine (not much for a guy with a Porsche), having to take an anger management course (maybe on Charlie Sheen's TV show), take a firearms safety class and turning in the semiautomatic pistol to the state. Finally he could cut the probation in half if he completed the above.
The interesting thing about the plea deal was the anger management class. Quarless' attorney again made a stupid comment, "We're gonna do that but not because he needs it. The case had nothing to do with anger. It was just a stupid thing." I guess the judge should have sentenced him to a stupid management course.
Quarless' comments after practice the day after summed up what he thought of the matter (and remember he was found hiding near a plant he tried to hide the gun in, which means he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer). He said the case had been weighing on him and he was relieved it was over (who wouldn't be), but he added "I feel like I've taken responsibility for it all along."
Translation: "I didn't have a relationship with this woman I saw her driving by and I just wanted to "rent" her for a couple hours. Look at me. I'm a pro football player and who wouldn't want this. And you know nothing gets a girl hot more than flashing a big gun and firing it." Strange world isn't it.
The NFL started its investigation after the plea deal was announced and finally issued a 2-game suspension on August 12. Then 3 days later he was signed by the Lions who were looking for a tight end after lossing their top 3 tight ends to injuries.
Bob Quinn
According to the Lions GM Bob Quinn, who said when he was hired in January he had zero tolerance for 2 things, domestic violence and gun issues, "We are aware of the upcoming NFL suspension of Andrew Quarless. We have thoroughly researched the incident that caused the suspension and have talked at length with Andrew about this. Andrew has been forthright and honest about the situation and he has gone through the process within the legal system. As an organization we are comfortable with adding Andrew to the roster and look forward to seeing him compete for the rest of the preseason."
Translation: "Both things need to be present to trigger my zero tolerance policy and since Quarless didn't know the woman then it couldn't be a domestic violence situation. So it doesn't meet my criteria."
James Caldwell
Coach Jim Caldwell had this to say, "Every case is different. You have to look at every single case on its own and you take a look at that and make a decision. I don't think it can ever be just simply black and white. Everybody's different. These aren't clones out there. These are people that have issues, and the thing about it is oftentimes people look to, particularly in this day and age, look to just completely get rid of people. Sometimes they heal in the broken places. You might not understand that, but I think most of us in this sport do."
Translation: "We need a tight end. Quarless is a tight end. No other explanation needed."
The starting tight end Eric Ebron has an ankle injury. Former starter Brandon Pettigrew is on the Physically Unable to Perform List recovering from knee surgery and third stringer Tim Wright is already on Injured Reserve. The Lions cut tight end Ben McCord to make room for Quarless.
Quarless said he talked to both men and the talks were "genuine" and "truthful", so they knew what kind of man he is. He also implied people shouldn't judge less they be judged. Very philosophical and religious. Nice touch.
"You could judge anybody, you know. First, you got to look in the mirror first, you know what I'm saying, before you judge somebody. It's something I moved forward from and I've taken the steps to move forward progressively, and I'm just looking forward to being part of this organization."
Translation: "Who are you to judge me? Anyway, it was just a seduction gone bad. Happens every day in a NRA/Republican state. It's the wild west out there". Or something like that.
With the Lions zero tolerance policy depending on two things being present it fits well with the NFL zero tolerance policy where violence on or near women isn't taken seriously unless there is a video or pictures that turns it into a big PR mess.
"And now you know -- the rest of the story."
PS: With the signing of Quarless that leaves three unsigned Packer free agents. Long snapper Brett Goode (still recovering from knee surgery), safety Sean Richardson (probably will retire with the reoccurrence of serious neck issues) and outside linebacker/defensive end Mike Neal.
PPS: Neal has joined the other 3 members of the "Al Jazeera 4" and will now talk to the NFL concerning PED use. After initially saying he would only talk to the NFL if Commissioner Roger Goodell came to his house (and kissed his naked ass) Steelers linebacker James Harrison is being his usual "asshole" self about his capitulation stating he will sit down with the NFL on August 30 even though the deadline is August 25. I haven't seen any update on when Clay Matthews, Julius Peppers and Neal have scheduled their interviews.

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