Monday, November 2, 2015

Humbling Loss Indeed - More Like "Mike, We Have A Problem..."

I am totally depressed after the debacle Sunday night at Mile High Stadium. It was so bad I left the Packer Backers and drove home before the end of the game.
What I saw was not only a loss, but an embarrassing display in front of a national audition which showed just one thing the 2015 Green Bay Packers are nothing more than a pretender to the crown.
The receivers couldn't get open, the line couldn't open holes, Eddie Lacy still has amnesia thinking he is on Dancing With The Stars, and most glaring and most disturbing Dom "FUCKING" Capers is still Defensive Coordinator of the Green Bay Packers.
The problems on the offense will hopefully be fixed unless the talent level is really below par, but I don't believe that. But as long as Dom Capers is in charge of the defense the Packers will never win another Super Bowl.
Capers needed to be fired last night at halftime and replaced by Winston Moss. Then Kevin Greene needs to be contacted and flown to Green Bay to take over the defense as soon as possible. I asked for Greene to take over after last season and all that happened was he quit the coaching staff in disgust.
What happened was a total disgrace and all the RC Packer Fans and Vic Ketchman's out there should take the bull by the tail and face the situation, the ugly dirty asshole with dingleberries hanging off of it of a situation that the Packers have a systemic problem on defense. Not an injury here or there. If that was the case then General Ted Thompson (another one of their and the TITs favorites) needs to be fired too for not providing adequate backups to step up in Thompson's famous "Next Man Up" philosophy.
The problem as it has been since 2011 is Dom Capers and his leadership and schemes. I am a broken record on "FIRING HIS ASS", but please, please, please listen to me. If Kevin Greene was so fed up that he won't return there has to be someone out there that is better than Dom Capers. Maybe the solution for the remainder of the season is for Mike McCarthy to take over as Defensive Coordinator.
How many embarrassments do we have to endure as we have the past two games? 1,048 yards given up in two games is.....I can't think of a word that properly describes how bad the defense is after starting out great. Especially, letting a diminished Peyton Manning complete passes at will behind a patchwork offensive line.
Even Mike McCarthy with his Capers' blinders on has to admit the Packers defense has hit a new low. Grow a pair McCarthy and do the only thing that will save this season and FIRE Capers today (Monday).

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