Sunday, March 27, 2016

Damn You, Joe Johnson And The Sherman You Rode In On

Damn You Joe Johnson
Every franchise has key dates in its history that defines what the franchise is, turned it around or started a downturn, or defined the philosophy of the front office . In the case of the most iconic professional sports franchise in the history of sport, Manchester United, included, there has been too many to list here, but there is one in my estimation that has resulted in the situation the Packers find themselves in today.

1919 Indian Packers
The major highlights are Aug 11, 1919 when Curly Lambeau and George Whitney Calhoun meets in a room on the second floor of the Green Bay Press-Gazette to form the Packers.

Dominic Olejniczak (right) with Vince Lombardi on 2 Feb 1959
Then there was Jan. 28, 1959 when President Dominic Olejniczak hires Vince Lombardi.

The End of the Beginning
Thirty-two years later President Bob Harlan hires Ron Wolf on Nov. 27, 1991 and finally April 23, 2005 when quarterback Aaron Rodgers falls into the lap of Ted Thompson.

All were banner days that turned a little town in Wisconsin into Titletown, USA, but I think there is one date that stands out from the other that turned Titletown into just plain Playofftown.

Damn You Too Mike Sherman
March 26, 2002 began like any other day at 1265 Lombardi Avenue. The Packers were 5-years removed from winning its third Super Bowl title; 4-years removed from losing its first Super Bowl; 3-years removed of Terrell F..king Owens ending the quest for a third straight Super Bowl appearance which resulted in Mike Holmgren resigning and Reggie White retiring; 2-years removed from missing the playoffs for the second year in a row after a streak of six straight playoff appearances; and just 65 days since the Rams embarrassed the 13-4 Packers in the Division Championship game, 45-17.

Since then General Manager/Head Coach Mike Sherman wasn't going to bench or trade Brett Favre following his 6-interception day against the Rams, he was looking to improve his 12th ranked defense and especially, the defensive line of (L-R) Vonnie Holliday (former No. 1 draft pick), Gilbert Brown (former street free agent), Santana Dotson (former unrestricted free agent) and John Thierry (former unrestricted free agent and former Bears No. 1 draft pick).

A month before Sherman cut the 32-year old Dotson and 29-year old Thierry indicating he was looking for faster and younger players. However, when a 30-year old 3-time Pro Bowl Saints defense end coming off two seasons with 21 sacks became an unrestricted free agent Sherman couldn't resist and signed Joe Johnson.

And the Joe Johnson You Rode in On
At the signing Sherman said, "I am excited to finally announce the signing of Joe Johnson. Joe brings with him a dimension of experience, toughness and savvy. I feel he is the most dominant defensive player in free agency this year, and believe he will immediately impact our defense as a player and impact our team as a leader."

Red flags were all over Johnson. The former No. 1, 13th pick held out his third year before signing a 5-year, $22m contract and while he was named All-Pro he had only 7 sacks after having 7.5 his rookie season and 8.5 his second.

He then suffered a serious knee injury the following year, but came back stronger with 12 sacks to be named NFL Comeback Player of the Year. He then dropped off to 9 sacks in 2001 while playing with what was said at the signing as a strained triceps in his left arm. Sherman knew he had played with that injury, but still signed him to a 6-year deal worth $33m. (It was later found out it was a torn triceps).

Then surprise, surprise Johnson tears the same triceps in the fifth game and was lost for the season. The next season he made it to game six before tearing his quad in the same knee he had surgery on in 1999. He didn't recover and was cut after the season. He played 11 games with 16 tackles and two sacks.

The Beginning of the End for Both the Packers and Harlan
The Joe Johnson signing spooked the Packers front office which led to Harlan stripping Sherman of his General Managership on Jan. 12, 2005, the hiring of Ted Thompson two days later and the hiring of President Mark Murphy Dec. 3, 2007 as CEO and a year later on Jan. 28, 2009 as President when Harlan retired.

The Middle of the End
After leading the Packers to the Super Bowl five years later Thompson and Murphy have settled into a cautious maintain program that has left the Packers in the playoffs the last five seasons, but in the stands on Super Bowl day.

I choose that date as the most important concerning today's Packers because I contend if Sherman didn't sign Joe Johnson then Ted Thompson wouldn't have been hired (somebody else might have been, but not Thompson) and the Packers might have been a dynasty instead of being a one-time Super Bowl champion.

After the 2014 season Murphy signed Thompson to a 3-year extension (until 2018), saying, "I'm pleased that we were able to enter into this contract extension with Ted. His outstanding work has been the key factor in the success that we've enjoyed in recent years. I have tremendous respect for Ted, and am confident that we will continue to contend for championships under his leadership."

I point out that Murphy, who has a major bromance with Thompson going on, didn't say win championships under his leadership, but just contend for them. Murphy and General Manager Ted Thompson feel just contending is just good enough to keep their jobs.

With that statement I don't see a firing in the future, so, damn you Joe Johnson and the Sherman you rode in on for saddling us with the Just Good Enough regime, which has lasted 5 years, 1 month, 19 days and counting....tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock................

I don't think I can stand another three years or more if Murphy has his way, "Hopefully (Thompson) will stay on as long as he wants to and feels good about what he's doing. I think we're fortunate to have him."

The End of the End
It looks like Dumb and Dumber have settled in for the long haul, so I will lead the coup if we can get enough Packer Patriots together to storm the Shrine and oust the defilers, so we can take back our team and turn the Packers back into the championship team they have always been.

Time To Take Back Our Team Before It's Too Late

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