Wednesday, February 3, 2016

“Yes, Virginia, There is a Super Bowl”

Super Bowl 1
It's been brought to my attention that the Super Bowl is being played this Sunday. I knew one was going on but it didn't rise to something I thought I needed to comment on because it was between two teams I have no allegiance to, between two quarterbacks I don't like and, for that matter, it isn't a Super Bowl I'm much interested in since the Packers aren't involved.

Super Bowl 2
PACKER ALERT! Besides disliking Cam "Superman" Newton on a person level, it griped my butt when the Packers in week 9 could have been the first team to beat the Panthers, but lost a shootout after Aaron Rodgers got scared and didn't see a wide-open Randall Cobb in the right corner of the end zone for a TD to set up a two-point conversion, which Head Coach Mike McCarthy would have had to go for since the Packers needed it to tie the game and send it into overtime.

Blown Chance Against Panthers
All of that aside I guess I will watch Super Bowl 50 so I can root against Newton, who brings arrogance to a new level, if you throw out Donald J. Trump, hopefully to see him get his comeuppance. I will watch until the Panthers take charge and the arrogance level rises to stomach turning level. At that point I will turn to Downton Abbey.

Super Bowl 31
Being superstitious (and I am only because I'm a Packer Backer) I can relate to the Broncos choosing to wear their home white jerseys instead of their orange road jerseys. I won't say if I wear certain jerseys on certain Sundays or drink out of certain glasses or have any other superstitious rituals concerning how I am personally responsible for the success of the Packers.

Last Rodeo
With this being Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning "last rodeo" the Broncos and Manning want to make sure they are doing everything reasonable and beyond to make Manning's last game, if it turns out to be so, a successful going away present. So with the AFC having the right to chose which jerseys they wanted to wear they chose their white jerseys.

Super Bowl 41
With history being everything in the NFL Manning has a history in the Super Bowl having played in Super Bowl 41 and 44 with the Colts and Super Bowl 48 with the Broncos. The Colts wore their white jerseys in SB 41 and won. The Colts wore their blue jerseys in SB 44 and lost.

Super Bowl 44
With the Broncos Manning wore his orange jerseys in SB 48 and lost. So with Manning's comfort paramount and since he is 1-0 wearing white and 0-2 wearing blue and orange the choice was easy.

Super Bowl 48
Now let's look at the Broncos history in the Super Bowl. This is the seventh time the Broncos will be playing in the Super Bowl with a 2-5 record. Denver's first appearance was in SB 12 and the Broncos wore their orange jerseys and lost to the Cowboys.

The Broncos then became a dynasty with John Elway at quarterback and appeared in three Super Bowls in four seasons, but lost SB 21 wearing their white jerseys and lost SB 22 and SB 24 wearing their orange jerseys.

Just to give credit where credit is due with John Elway now running his old team the Broncos have become a mini-dynasty again appearing in two of the last three Super Bowls.

Super Bowl 32
PACKER ALERT!! At the end of his playing career Elway beat the Packers in SB 32 wearing their blue jerseys and then won SB 33 wearing white. So as far as the Broncos are concerned they are 0-3 wearing orange, 1-1 wearing white and 1-0 wearing blue.

Super Bowl 38
Let's look at the Panthers who have played in one Super Bowl losing SB 38 wearing their white jerseys, so it would be  historically correct to force them to wear them again. Between the two teams and their quarterbacks the historical record shows the Broncos are 1-1 in white and the Panthers are 0-1 in white. Peyton Manning is 1-0 in white and Cam Newton is in his first rodeo, so it seems Manning's 1-0 record in white and not the Panthers 0-1 in white won out.

PACKER ALERT!!! Now let's bump it up to the Super Bowl level regardless of team. The team that won the Super Bowl has wore white in 10 of the last 11 games. The only team that won wearing their colored jersey was the Packers in Super Bowl 45 over the Steelers.

Super Bowl 45
PACKER ALERT!!!! Let's now look at the history of the Packers in Super Bowl and whether their jersey choice had anything to do with winning or losing. The Packers won SB 1 wearing their green jerseys. The Packers won SB 2 wearing their white jerseys. The Packers won SB 31 wearing their green jerseys. The Packers lost SB 32 wearing their white jerseys. And, as noted above, the Packers won SB 45 wearing their green jerseys. The green jerseys are 3-0 and the white jerseys are 1-1.

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