Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That and Charles Woodson

Charles Woodson Announcing His Retirement in Two Games
Evidently after not picking off Aaron Rodgers last Sunday Charles Woodson decided to call it a day as far as his career is concerned. It seems funny that he turned 180 degrees around from an earlier statement that he would be back next season and beyond. 
Actually I think what changed his mind was the injury he seemed to occur when he caused the fumble by James Starks. Even though he has played all season with a dislocated shoulder getting dinged on a normal hard hit he used to do in his sleep may have changed his mind.
No matter what caused it a part of me feels sad that Woodson is hanging up his cleats. I will cheer his Hall of Fame induction (even though it will be in a Raiders uniform). I know that part of the reason the Packers won their fourth Super Bowl trophy was the leadership and play of Woodson. 

In contrast with Brett Favre when Ted Thompson put Woodson out with the trash he didn't slam the Packers and sign with the Vikings or Bears or Lions in order to get revenge on the Packers and their fans. Woodson was as much a face of the Packers as Favre was, but he handled the situation with class, instead of childishness and flashing his dick. For that he will always have a warm spot in my heart. 
Also if anyone wants to get me a Christmas present I would like a bottle of Woodson's wine (preferably sweet not dry).

A Little Bit of This
There May Be Method to His Madness
The Packers can't get away from the injury bug losing long snapper Brett Goode to a mysterious knee injury and No. 3 draft pick wide receiver/kick returner Ty Montgomery to his ankle injury. 
Montgomery was beginning to be a contributing member of the offense as well as a kickoff returner when he initially injured his ankle. Him being healthy all season might have made a difference after the loss of Jordy Nelson and we could have used him the next three weeks. Losing him was a big loss.
Losing the dependable Goode might be a bigger loss. The Bears cut former Packer and Chief Thomas Gafford  after the Packer game Nov. 26 (he signed with the Raiders just before the Packers game last weekend) and since then Robbie Gould hasn't been a good as gold. Before Gafford was cut Gould was 24-of-27 in field goals and 17-of-18 on PATs. Since then he is 3-of-6 on field goals and 7-of-7 PATs. Just to finish the thought Sebastian Janikowski was perfect Sunday (2-for-2 FGs, 3-for-3 PATs) with Gafford snapping.
Thompson signed a cheap rookie Rick Lovato as the replacement for the eight-year veteran Goode. Typical. Let's hope his penny-pinching ways won't cost the Packers a game.
Speaking of penny-pinching. Maybe, just maybe, Lovato was signed in hopes of getting Demi Lovato to sing the national anthem at the Vikings game in two weeks for free.

A Little Bit of That
Mike Daniels Re-Ups for 4 Years
Speaking of penny-pinching Thompson finally signed the Packers best defensive lineman Mike Daniels to a contract extension. In this case, this was a good use of the Packers' money, even though Daniels like a lot of the Packers, offensively and defensively, aren't having their best seasons.
Daniels signed a four-year $41 million extension making him the third highest paid defensive end in the league. His $10.25 a season salary could be a good move, but it might be overpaying for someone hitting his wall. Next year we'll find out.

Some More That
Jeff Janis Snubbed for Pro Bowl
The Pro Bowl rosters were announced and Aaron Rodgers, Josh Sitton and Clay Matthews were chosen. I like as many Packers as possible being chosen, but neither of the three deserve it. I think the only person who deserves a Pro Bowl spot is Jeff Janis as the special teamer for his kickoff returns and his kick returning tackles.
Finally Think About This

Mom, Quit Calling Me 'Quickie'
You might be thinking the nickname of the Packers all-time leading receiver Donald Jerome Driver is "D.J." and "Double-D" and you would be two thirds right. Actually his nickname is "Quickie" - a name his mother gave him having to chase him around the house as a child and because of his quick learning skills.

However, a name like "Quickie" could be embarrassing for a man, especially in Green Bay. Not only for the obvious reason, but also because it was a quickie in an alley that got James Lofton traded. The duller nick of "Double-D" might have been a better choice.

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