Monday, August 24, 2015



Grandma's Crock
There doesn't seem to be anything sublime in the last week to report. Nobody found any long lost Lombardi memorabilia, especially me, and I haven't been able to obtain any new Packer autographs.
Wait a minute I forgot I've joined the ranks of the ever-growing field of micro breweries. I come from a family - on my mother's side - of bootleggers. Grandpa and his brother in law would make their own beer during the Depression and Grandma would take control of the finished batch, so they wouldn't drink up the profits. My mother even has a letter sent to J. Edgar Hoover by some nosey neighbor turning them in.
Well, I own the crock Grandma and Grandpa used for their illegal operation and for the longest time I've wanted to make some bootleg beer and five weeks ago I did it. I just bottled my first batch a week ago and I think it should be ready by the first game of the season.
I've decided to call it Mann's Bootleg Brew, Green and Gold Edition, and the Packerbackers will be the first to sample it because Timmer and his son Andrew and his friend Avery are all beer aficionados, well at least they drink a lot of beer. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will turn out good.


Former Packers safety Darren Sharper has pleaded guilty to being a serial rapist. What's ridiculous about this serious issue is a man who is as good looking as Sharper is plus the fact he's a pro football player wouldn't have any problem finding young women to agree to sleep with him would go to the extent of drugging girls and raping them. Sharper's case along with Bill Cosby's, which is almost identical, shows how sick our world was and is still becoming. In Sharper's case he was being accused by nine women in Los Angeles, New Orleans and Las Vegas. He has been in jail since February of 2014. He is being treated less harshly because he's agreed to turn state's evidence against his two friends who also enjoyed the fruits of their labor.
Darren Sharper (middle) when he dated actress Gabrille Union
What's even more ridiculous is what he's agreed to in his plea bargain. In addition to spending only nine years in jail (once again this is how women are treated by the NFL, society and the justice system in the United States. One year for each rape.) and being on parole the rest of his life as a registered sex offender.
However, he has other restrictions like never being able to drink alcohol again (as if it was him drinking that caused him to be a rapist when it should have been he wouldn't be allowed to buy a drink or serve a drink to a girl ever again. That would have been appropriate.) and he can't use the internet to pick up girls when he was actually picking them up in bars. That's pretty ridiculous.
The last part is more interesting. He can be asked by his parole officer to submit to, now get this, a penile plethysmograph. It sounds like a monster from Flesh Gordon. Actually it is designed to see how aroused he gets when watching forced non-consensual sex acts and consensual sex acts between loving couples. I wonder what would happen if they found him aroused to the non-con act. Send him back to jail or something worse like..........I can't think about that.

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