Sunday, January 11, 2015

Live from Lombardi's Den

Honestly, I go into every Packer game with a lot of dread. It was only during the year we went 15-1 that I was a little more optimistic about a win each week, but not completely.
Today, I should be happy we're playing the Cowboys because the Cowboys don't have a great defense and the Packers have a great offense, especially at Lambeau Field. But once again I don't feel good about this game and I should.
Aaron Rodgers at Lambeau Field has been unbeatable this year. But today we won't have that Aaron Rodgers. We will have a hobbled Aaron Rodgers, which could mean he won't have the ability to get out of trouble and do what he normally does to extend plays and find open receivers. The way to beat Rodgers and ground this offense is to trap him in the pocket and sack him or hurry him. I'm worried.
The other key to the game is Tony Romo and the Packers defense. I would be lying if I said I had any faith in the coaching of Dom Capers. I DO NOT. He is a very flawed coordinator.

I honestly don't know what or who prompted the move of Clay Matthews to the middle. That is the only move and the "benching" of A.J. Hawk I can think of Capers has made since he's been here that has worked out. But in recent weeks Hawk is back and the defense hasn't been as dominant. Evidently too much of a good thing is how Capers thinks. More on Hawk and his place in Packer history later.
Next is I'm never confident at halftime. I was at our local bar for the Falcons game and one of the patrons walked by at halftime, on his way to the smoking are, and said, "It looks like you're going to win." My response was and is every single game when we are up at halftime, "We still have to play the second half." And sadly, I was right again and Capers was true to form.
It seems halftime is for the opposing team to make adjustments and for Capers to take a pee break. We don't make adjustments EVER and the other teams ALWAYS does, which makes the second half a recipe for heartburn. I absolutely hate the second half.
Today, bothers me. The 8-0 road warriors against the 8-0 home team wonders. I wish I could be happy with our chances, but I'm not. I'd been more happy if Aaron Rodgers was 100%, but more, but on the frozen tundra where landing on the ground could hurt a hobbled Rodgers is more than an annoyance. It could be the one of two things that will make the difference between advancing to Seattle and heading home once again with rotten cheese on our breath.
The other is Capers. I wish we had Fritz Shurmur or his reincarnation at the helm. But to steal and mangle a phrase from Lloyd Bentsen, "You're (Capers) no Fritz Shurmur."
So I will be on pins and needles with my Tums by side today. As the Packerbackers I watch the games with will attest I won't feel good about the win until there are two minutes left and we're ahead by more than 24 points. And that's the assessment from Lombardi's Den.

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