Monday, July 2, 2018

THOMPSON’S FAKE NEWS operation is working overtime in Packerland

Ted J. Trump
I was researching a future column about Aaron Rodgers and tight ends with all the hype about the signing of Jimmy Graham and I came across a very disturbing item on that shows that Ted Thompson is still in charge or Brian Gutekunst is just a chip off the old lying block.

I was looking up the stats for the tight end positions and when I got to last year’s stats I found much to my surprise that Lance Kendricks was the leading tight end with 18 catches followed by Richard Rodgers with 12 catches and Emanuel Byrd with 2 catches. However and evidently I am wrong I thought the Packers had another tight end on the roster or maybe it was just a nightmare because he was the premier free agent acquisition by the best general manager in the history of the NFL and he ended up being cut and sued for spite.

Does anyone remember Martellus Bennett? Evidently the Packers front office doesn’t. He started the first 7 games and had 24 catches for 233 yards and no TDs or at least I thought he did. However, it seems the Packers front office is allowed to scrub his stats from the official records as if he was never on the Packers roster. However, they haven’t completed their rewriting because he still appears on the all-time roster and in the transactions. But when they remember he is still there that might be next.

I haven’t looked up any other bad acquisitions by the immortal Ted Thompson to see if they have also been removed from existence or was it just this guy. But because of this example alone how can anyone believe the Packers official statistics ever again.
Ted Putin
It has bothered me since Ted Thompson became a deity after the Super Bowl and the rise of the “In Ted We Trust” gang that insulates him from the Packer Backers. In fact now that I’m thinking about it I wonder if anyone has ever had a close encounter with TT outside of him standing on the podium safely a far distance away from the fans for a few seconds during the July Stockholder’s Meeting. Green Bay is a small town and the populous has encounters with the Packers players and other front office personnel all the time, but I wager no one ever met Ted Thompson anywhere, any how, at any time during his 13-year reign of terror.

When the Packers began their demise into the “Just Good Enough” Packers starting with 2011 TT began his FAKE NEWS operation before it was gleam in the eye of the man in the White House as he became a dictator that demanded allegiance to the him by the local media and they fell right in led by Larry “Bagdad Bob” McCarren only reporting positive news and being punished if they dared to report the truth (although I doubt any of the local kiss ass media has even tried to report anything derogatory while TT has been in charge) when certain acquisitions didn’t pan out or other things happened.

And now we find under the “new guy” or is he now that is allowed to rewrite history. I find this development quite disturbing because it just reinforces my opinion on the state of the Packers front office under the dictator know as TT by his sycophants, “Heil Ted”.

I would hope everyone would be disturbed by this, but I doubt it because it seems the Thompson Kool-Aid crowd won’t allow bad news or any news other than good news even if it has to invented to be printed or reported.

I still think the dictator is still in charge although his FAKE NEWS operation told us he was retired upward and “Gutie” is now large and in charge. But it seems, like I’ve said many times since we rejoiced that the dictator had been deposed, TT is pulling strings from his new or old office like Vladimir Putin did when he gave up being president for four years, but was still was in charge as premier. I think this is the current state of affairs for the Packers with Ted Thompson still pulling the strings and now erasing his mistakes from the official records. Isn’t that what dictators do? Rewrite history. This is very disturbing. I hope you agree.

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