Saturday, December 2, 2017

What A “Tedder” Thinks And Does And It Ain’t Pretty

This exchange was on Nov. 29 and it sums what I’ve been saying about the “In Ted We Trust” cult or “Tedders” as I call them, of which “the Shield” is prime example of. So it starts with “dennis” making the same suggestions (except for hiring J. Leonard of Wisconsin to replace Dom Capers, since I don’t know him because I’m from Southern Illinois) I’ve been making for years. It took an hour before the “Tedder” took up the fight.

dennis • 9 hours ago
I suggest roster moves of TT, MM, DC, and our scouting team out. Number 1, replace DC with J.Leonard of WI. Leonard is a native, worked very hard to achieve his goals for his size, played at a high level professionally, smart on schemes,, can relate to his generational players, and has proven his prowess for the Badgers. Get him! And also K.Greene, if available to start with. Then Wolf as GM to find a creative offensive head coach. Time for a major shakeup after this frustrating season, again. Rodgers is being wasted slowly and painfully. No moves, same next year die hard fans. Fan since 58.

the Shield > dennis 8 hours ago
Uh, Rodgers is hurt. Are we wasting him by not playing him hurt? Firing everyone usually is the answer, and bring in a guy from an area college. That's genius. Another frustrating season for ya, huh? Making the playoffs almost every year, being in championship games, stuff like that, continues to frustrate you? Perhaps you could advise the super successful Lions, Bears, and Vikings since 1958. Those teams love cleaning house and starting over every year. It always works.

First, I hope you all notice “the Shield” immediately misunderstood what “dennis” was saying. What “dennis” was saying is exactly what I’ve been saying about wasting Aaron Rodgers career. I don’t know how any reasonable person (“Tedders” are not reasonable) can think he was talking about Rodgers sitting out the past 5 games. How ridiculous is that interpretation? It is stupid. Then he parrots the well-worn excuse used by Mark Murphy and Ted Thompson about making the playoffs being just as good as winning Super Bowls. I think, actually I know, that not making more than 1 Super Bowl with the arguably the best quarterback in the game is malfeasance of office to the utmost degree. Read what “DC” had to say about that.

DG > the Shield 7 hours ago
This Franchise has been blessed with back to back HOF QB's and 3 SB appearances and 2 wins. Patriots have had 1 HOF QB and have 7 SB appearances with 5 wins, Steelers 4 with Bradshaw and 2 with Ben, 49ers 4 with Montana, Cowboys 3 with Aikmen. I think it has to be assessed.
see more

the Shield > DG 7 hours ago
Then assess it as a team game. Does that mean Marino sucked? Joe won no SB with KC. Such luminaries as Trent Dilfer, Rich Gannon and many others are SB winners and far far from HOF. Implying that the Packers consistent playoff entries and deepness almost every year is a waste of AR is not seeing reality of defense, injuries, schedule and luck in some cases. Call up Barry Sanders in Oklahoma and ask him if one HOF'er on any team is wasted by measure of only Super Bowls.

Well, it seems “the Shield” is beginning to crack. His excuses for Rodgers not appearing in another Super Bowl is defense (Dom Capers), injuries (Ted Thompson), schedule (I guess he’s saying the Packers’ opponents are better so it’s Ted Thompson again) and luck (I guess it was just luck Brandon Bostick got a brain fart and botched the onside kick). Boy, the “Tedders” can come up with excuses when they’re “logic” fails, but in the case of “the Shield” one of his excuses – injuries & schedule - blames his god and savior Ted Thompson for not having a championship roster, which is another complaint of mine. I guess in the heat of the argument he didn’t realize he threw TT under the bus.

This is what Mark Murphy said on that subject at the Shareholder’s Meetig at Lambeau Field on July 25, “I hear from a lot of fans that they’re disappointed that I’ve accepted mediocrity and I’m just happy to be in the playoffs and that I should fire (GM) Ted (Thompson) and (coach) Mike (McCarthy) and then after I do that, retire. So you realize that it’s a spread and there’s all kinds of fans, but I would hope that the average or typical fan understands that when you work for the Packers organization and you set a record for most consecutive years in the playoffs with our history and tradition, that’s pretty good. If we are fortunate enough to make the playoffs this year, we would tie the NFL record, so it's not something that is easily accomplished, particularly when the whole league is set up for parity. It's hard to have consistent success."

DG > the Shield 6 hours ago
That's exactly what I'm saying...Thank you. So who is responsible for the performance of the team? The coaches and the GM...correct?

Chuck > DG 5 hours ago
Give it up.

the Shield > Chuck 5 hours ago
Chuck forget it. First its superbowls only, now he does not approve of a team making the playoffs. Whatever.

Here again “the Shield” jumps to different conclusion that “dennis” intended. Just because he thinks Aaron Rodgers should have been and won the Super Bowl many times doesn’t make him also think that making the playoffs is bad. Such a stupid remark from a stupid man. “dennis” says the same thing.

DG > Chuck 5 hours ago
Really, that's the best you can come up with?

dennis > the Shield 6 hours ago
Playoffs every year is very good. I remember too when Bud Grant's goal was winning the division with his great teams. Never was his goal to win a superbowl. Hoed that work out. So history is worth something to learn from. If playoffs are your and the team goal, it's what you'll get then. Change can motivate a team, that's all. Example: Zimmerman.

the Shield > dennis 5 hours ago
Ha love to see any quote from Bud Grant saying he never had a goal to win the superbowl. He's so horrible he went to four of them, one of the few coaches in NFL history to do that. If you truly study quotes, which is doubtful, MM's favorite quote is to "win the division." Says it every year as a goal. Does that mean MM doesn't want to win it all, or did Grant. Can't win it all unless you go to the playoffs. Unless you find a quote of a non-playoff team that won a superbowl. The players play the game. The Packers have very good players, apparently for a string of years now capable of winning a Superbowl, which only one team does.

As you can see “the Shield” summed it up by insulting “dennis” for not doing his homework on Bud Grant quotes (If you truly study quotes, which is doubtful,). When logic fails “Tedders” always fall back on insults. Does that sound like someone else we all know?

So it seems Green Bay is a microcosm of the entire United States these days, doesn’t it?

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